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M. A. Wuri, A. Pertiwiningrum, R. BudiartoMethane Enrichment of Biogas by Carbon Dioxide Adsorption on Natural Zeolite and Biochar Derived from Chicken Manure , The 9th International Graduate Students and Scholars' Conference in Indonesia.
R. Ikhwanuddin, J. Sarwono, A. S. Sudarsono, S. S. UtamiLibrary Soundscape: Higher Education Students’ Perception , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3875-3881.'_Perception
K. W. Zakri, N. Hidayah, N. N. Hamdani, J. Sarwono, S. S. UtamiEvaluating Perceived Acoustic Environment in Executive Class Passenger Train using Soundscape Approach , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 4904-4909.
R. F. Fela, J. Sarwono, S. S. Utami, I. Prasetiyo, I. R. N. AzzahraData Recording of Audio Stimulus for Continuing Nurse Training Using Auditory Virtual Environment , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3831-3837.
I. R. N. Azzahra, R. F. Fela, J. Sarwono, S. S. Utami, T. J. A. Hardjoprawito, R. SedonoHospital Soundscape: Perception Analysis of Acoustics Environment in Intensive Care Unit , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3635-3640.
D. Anggraini, N. Effendy, M. I. Al Hafiz, D. O. Luviano

Research and Development of a Power Monitoring System for the Sustainable Energy Management System Implementation at Green School, Bali, Indonesia , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 43, pp. 01021.
W. Sunanda, R. BudiartoPerformance of Glazing Materials for Atrium in Hot & Humid Climate , MATEC Web of Conferences The 7th International Conference on Engineering Mathematics and Physics (ICEMP), 2018, Vol. 186, pp. 02007.
N. A. Ardiani, M. D. Koerniawan, R. BudiartoBuilding Retrofit to Improve Energy Performance from Office to Accommodation. Case study: Tower Building, Nottingham, UK MATEC Web of Conferences The 3rd International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science (ICCEMS), 2018, pp. 02010.
N. D. Reztrie, I. H. Lubis, H. E. Kusuma, M. D. Koerniawan, R. BudiartoPerception on Green Building Concept for Vertical Housing , 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, 2018, pp. 166-170.
T. P. Handayani, S. A. Hulukati, R. F. Gusa, R. BudiartoDevelopment of a Hybrid Power Supply Control Prototype for Solar-Powered Water Tank Pumping System , 2nd International Conference on Green Energy and Applications, 2018, pp. 88-92.
F. Q. Putra, D. Rifai, K. Suryopratomo, R. BudiartoMultilevel Diffuser Augmented for Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 42, pp. 01001.
Y. Z. Devi, A. W. Harto, R. Budiarto, N. TrihastutiPotential Analysis of Ex-Coal Mining Land As Pumped Storage Hydro Powerplant In Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 42, pp. 01009.
T. T. Wibowo, F. H. Daulay, K. Suryopratomo, R. BudiartoNumerical study of the effect of geometry variation on the performance of innovative design wind speed enhancer , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 42, pp. 01013.
MA Wuri, A Pertiwiningrum, R Budiarto, CAD KorantoCharacterization of Natural Zeolite and Chicken Manure Derived Biochar for Carbon Dioxide Adsorption in Biogas , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 43, pp. 01008.
S. N. Indriani, A. A. Setiawan, R. BudiartoDemand Simulation for Water, Food Irrigation, and Energy from Micro Hydro Power Plant in Sungai Bayang, Bayang Utara, Pesisir Selatan West Sumatra , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 43, pp. 01015.
I. H. Lubis, M. D. Koerniawan, R. BudiartoThe Application of Traditional Architecture as Passive Design Strategies for Modern Architecture in Hot Dry Climate , IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2018, Vol. 401, pp. 012004.
I. Hidayat, S. S. UtamiActivity Based Smart Lighting Control For Energy Efficient Building By Neural Network Model , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 43, pp. 01017.
S. S. Utami, A. Na’im A., E. Kencanawati, M. A. Tanjung, B. AchmadEnergy Monitoring System for Existing Buildings in Indonesia , E3S Web of Conferences, 2018, Vol. 42, pp. 01003.
R. A. Mangkuto, A. Wiratama, K. Fadla, R. F. Fela, F. X. N. SoelamiLighting integration and optimisation with regard to mean room surface exitance using genetic algorithm Journal of Building Engineering, 2018.-
M. E. I. Shrestha, J. Sartohadi, M. K. Ridwan, D. R. HizbaronUrban Energy Scenario: the Case of Kathmandu Valley , Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, 2017, Vol. 49, pp. 201-224.
F. A. Dwiputra, B. Achmad, Faridah, HeriantoAccelerometer-Based Recorder of Fingers Dynamic Movements for Post-Stroke Rehabilitation , International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2017, Vol. 7, pp. 299-304.
B. Sena, S. A. Zaki, F. Yakub, N. M. Yusoff, M. K. RidwanConsumption using Artificial Neural Network based on Techno-Socio Economic Approach , International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018, Vol. 8, pp. 1844-1853.
S. S. Utami, D. Arifianto, A. NadirohStudy on the Effect of Partition Heights in Open Plan Office to the Privacy and Distraction Level Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics , Procedia Engineering, 2017, Vol. 7, pp. 299-304.
M. Gozan, N. Aulawy, S. F. Rahman, R. BudiartoTechno-Economic Analysis of Biogas Power Plant from POME (Palm Oil Mill Effluent) , International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 13, pp. 6151-6157.
B. Sena, S. A. Zaki, F. Yakub, N. M. Yusoff, M. K. RidwanConceptual Framework of Modelling for Malaysian Household Electrical Energy Consumption using Artificial Neural Network based on Techno-Socio Economic Approach , International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2018, Vol. 8, pp 1844-1853.
D. Joko Suroso, K. Saito, J. TakadaOn Investigation of Directional Channel Model for Large Spacing Array MIMO: Eigenvalues Comparison of Measurement and Channel Synthesis , Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2018, Vol. 117, pp 1-6.
A. Pertiwiningrum, A. W. Harto, M. A. Wuri, R. BudiartoAssessment of Calorific Value of Biogas after Carbon Dioxide Adsorption Process Using Natural Zeolite and Biochar , Intl. Journal of Environment Science and Development, 2018, Vol. 9, pp. 6151–6157.
N. Effendy, F. Wikatmono, M. H. Hasan, N. SuteresnaImplementasi dan Perancangan Sistem Pakar Untuk Diagnosa Penyakit Mata Pada Manusia Berbasis Pemrograman Clips , Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF), 2015, Vol. 1.
N. Effendy, S. I. Kurniawan, N. A. S. UtamiPeredaman Osilasi Getaran Pada Suatu Sistem Dengan Pemodelan Pegas-Damper Menggunakan Kendali Logika Fuzzy , Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF), 2015, Vol. 1.
N. Effendy, R. Herdiawan, F. N. Muhammad, I. N. K. WardanaPerancangan Sistem Kendali Pada Microhidro Dengan Fuzzy Logic Controller, Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF), 2015, Vol. 1.
N. Effendy, K. Anwar, A. D. Mahendra, M. G. S. BetaKontrol Gerakan Buka Tutup Pintu Untuk Akses Sistem Keamanan Menggunakan Pola Iris Mata Manusia , Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF), 2015, Vol. 1.
N. Effendy, M. Solichin, T. L. N. Hakim, F. BudimanPengendalian Proses Evaporasi Pada Pabrik Urea Menggunakan Kendali Jaringan Saraf Tiruan , Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF), 2015, Vol. 1.
R. Budiarto, L. Zharif, A. N. Laila, D. S. Pamuji, F. R. Salis, Z. A. FikriyadiPreliminary Study of Renewable Energy System in Maratua Island to Support Maratua be Renewable Energy Iconic Island , KnE Energy & Physics, 2015, Vol. 2, pp. 152-157.
I. R. N. Azzahra, J. Sarwono, I. Prasetiyo, S. UtamiMeasurement Analysis of the Soundscape of Care Units in a Private Hospital in Bandung , Senvar inta Avan Join Conference. 2015.
S. S. Utami, N Al Rochmadi, RSJ SarwonoAcoustical study on the impact of sound absorptions, distances of workstations, and height of partitions in open plan offices , AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, Vol. 1677, pp. 040016.
J. Sarwono, E. Tandian, A. Rizki, S. Utami, R. YantiCharacterizing the hearing comfort in intensive care unit using objective and subjective evaluation , Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), 2015, pp. 323-326.
N. Effendy, N. C. Wachidah, B. Achmad, P. Jiwandono, M. SubektiPower estimation of GA Siwabessy Multi-Purpose Reactor at start-up condition using artificial neural network with input variation , International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer (ICST), 2016, pp. 133-138.
A. Mappuji, N. Effendy, M. Mustaghfirin, F. Sondok, R. P. Yuniar, S. P. PangestiStudy of Raspberry Pi 2 Quad-core Cortex A7 CPU Cluster as a Mini Supercomputer , International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, 2016.
T. Rosyadi, A. Arif, B. Achmad, Nopriadi, FaridahClassification of leukocyte images using K-Means Clustering based on geometry features , International Annual Engineering Seminar (InAES), 2016, pp. 245-249.
R. A. M. Budiman, B. Achmad, Faridah, Nopriadi, A. Arif, L. ZharifLocalization of white blood cell images using Haar Cascade classifiers , International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (IBIOMED), 2016, pp. 1-5.
L. Zharif, B. Achmad, Faridah, M. K. RidwanA visual recognition supporting tool for mapping environmental data using handheld measurement instruments , International Conference on Science and Technology-Computer (ICST), 2016, pp. 139-144.
P. A. Fatima, J. Sarwono, S. S. Utami, T. J. A. Hardjoprawito, R. SedonoHospital soundscape: acoustics evaluation in the intensive care unit of a national hospital in Central Jakarta, Indonesia , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2016, Vol. 9, pp. 6151–6157.
D. Joko Suroso, K. Saito, J. TakadaEigenvalues and Channel Capacities Comparisons between Measurement and Synthesized Channel from SAGE Estimation Result in 11 GHz Band Outdoor , Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, 2016, Vol. 116, 7-11.
P. Anugrah, A. A. Setiawan, R. BudiartoEvaluating micro hydro power generation system under climate change scenario in Bayang Catchment, Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra , Energy Procedia, 2015, Vol. 65 pp. 257-263.
F. Klug, H. Wicaksono, R. BudiartoEnergy modeling for an efficient system development in Indonesian Province Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) , Energy for Sustainable Development, 2015, Vol. 28 pp. 88-94.
S. R. Prihandita, R. BudiartoEnergy Consumption Projection In Yogyakarta City , ASEAN Journal of Systems Engineering, 2015 Vol. 3, pp. 47-53.
J. Sarwono, A. E. Larasati, W. N. I. Novianto, I. Sihar, S. S. UtamiSimulation of Several Open Plan Office Design to Improve Speech Privacy Condition without Additional Acoustic Treatment , Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, Vol. 184, pp. 315-321.
B. Achmad, F. Faridah, L. FadillahLip Motion Pattern Recognition for Indonesian Syllable Pronunciation Utilizing Hidden Markov Model Method , TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), 2015, Vol. 13, pp. 173-180.
F. Faridah, B. AchmadLip Image Feature Extraction Utilizing Snake’s Control Points for Lip Reading Applications , International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 2015, Vol. 5, pp. 720-728.
Ferdiansjah, FaridahEffect of bulk doping level and wafer thickness on the performance of monocrystalline silicon solar cell , ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2016, pp. 4011-4015.
S. S. Utami, D. D. Avoressi, K. Zakiya, H. SutantaSound Level Mapping Using Geographic Information System (GIS) To Optimize A Green Campus Environment Quality , ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2016, Vol. 11, pp. 4058-4064.
S. S. Utami, M. Navvab, R. F. FelaSinkronisasi Sensasi Pendengaran dan Visual di dalam Dunia Simulasi Komputer , Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 2016, Vol. 11, pp. 63-68.
M. Agha, Sihana, N. EffendyKajian Ilmiah Penyetelan Ulang Parameter Sistem Proteksi Turbin Unit 2 di Star Energy Geothermal Ltd , Teknofisika, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 75-82.
S. Sadono, S. Sihana, N. EffendyIdentifikasi Sistem Governor Control Valve Dalam Menjaga Kestabilan Putaran Turbin Uap PLTP Wayang Windu Unit 1 , Teknofisika, 2013, Vol. 2, pp. 84-92.
S. H. Putero, R. BudiartoPeran UMKM dalam Pengembangan Technopreneurship di Perguruan Tinggi, Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Inovasi dan Technopreneurship, 2012.-
J. Sarwono, A. E. Larasati, F. X. N. Soelami, I. Sihar, S. S. UtamiSpeech privacy distance in 3 open-plan office layouts: computer modelling and simulation approach , International Congress on Sound and Vibration 20, 2013.
B. Ardiyanto, S. S. Utami, M. K. RidwanAnalisis Kualitas Pencahayaan Menggunakan Pemodelan Numeris Sesuai SNI Pencahayaan, Data Pengukuran Langsung (On-Site) dan Simulasi , Teknofisika, 2013, Vol. 3, pp. 63-71.
A. S. Fathi, S. S. Utami, R. BudiartoPerancangan Sistem Rain Water Harvesting, Studi Kasus: Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta , Teknofisika, 2013, Vol. 3, pp. 35-45.
R. Budiarto, S. H. Indarto, S. SutrisnoRecent development of non-conventional geothermal power plant , Proceedings of the 3rd Applied Science for Technology Innovation, 2014, pp. 13-14.
J. Sarwono, A. P. Rachman, I. R. N. Azzahra, S. S. UtamiThe influence of Abfusor configuration to the speech privacy and intelligibility in an open plan office , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2014, Vol. 249, pp. 5670-5678
E. S. Wirateruna, S. Hawibowo, R. BudiartoPerancangan Karburator untuk Bahan Bakar Biogas pada Generator Set 900 VA , Teknofisika, 2014, Vol. 3, pp. 52-58.
S. S. Utami, J. Sarwono, N. Ai Rochmadi, N. SuheriSpeech privacy and intelligibility in open-offices as an impact of sound-field diffuseness , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2014, Vol. 249, pp. 5957-5966.
L. G. Perdamaian, R. Budiarto, M. K. RidwanScenarios to reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emission at Terminal 3 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport , Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, Vol. 17 pp. 576-585.
R. Budiarto, M. K. Ridwan, A. Haryoko, Y. S. Anwar, K. SuryopratomoSustainability challenge for small scale renewable energy use in Yogyakarta , Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, Vol. 17 pp. 513-518.
S. H. Putero, W. Rosita, H. B. Santosa, R. BudiartoThe performance of various pozzolanic materials in improving quality of strontium liquid waste cementation , Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2013, Vol. 17, pp. 703-710.
M. W. J. Usman, R. BudiartoPengembangan UMKM Tali Tambang Di Desa Kubangwungu Kecamatan Ketanggungan Kabupaten Brebes Menuju Usaha Yang Dinamis Dan Lestari , Jurnal Magister Teknik Sistem, 2013.
L. Darmayanti, Y. L. Handayani, M. RidwanPengolahan Air Limbah Hotel Dengan Metode Free Surface Constructed Wetland Menggunakan Tumbuhan Equisetum hymale , Jurnal Teknobiologi, 2014, Vol. 5 , pp. 37-42.
M. Ridwan, D. E. Riyanto, E. A. SarwokoImplementasi ISO 8583 Untuk Billing Online Mahasiswa Universitas Diponegoro Melalui Channel SMS Banking Bank Rakyat Indonesia Berbasis AIX , Journal of Informatics and Technology, 2014, Vol. 5 pp. 772.