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Sentagi Utami

Sentagi Utami


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I am a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and have served as the Head of the Engineering Study Program in the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics since 2016. My academic journey in Acoustics began with a Master’s degree in Physics from Brigham Young University, USA, and advanced with a PhD from the University of Michigan in Architectural Acoustics.

As an active member of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA) and the Audio Engineering Society (AES), I returned to my institution in 2011 to co-found Insgreeb. This initiative focuses on integrating building physics and acoustics with instrumentation and smart systems to enhance building performance and occupant comfort.

Renowned for my expertise in Building Acoustics, Audio, and Green Building Science, I have secured multiple research grants both nationally (such as PTUPT and Collaborative Research from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) and internationally (with the Australia-Indonesia Center and universities like Salford UK and Hiroshima). My research interests include acoustics measurement, sound level mapping, modeling and simulation, acoustics material, and instrumentation, applied to building and its environment. I am also engaged in building modeling and simulation in indoor environmental quality parameters like lighting, thermal, and air quality.


Office Time

Please contact me via email for an appointment.



M. Eng

B. Eng


Research Interest

Building Acoustics and Environmental Acoustics.

Specialty Areas:

Related Areas:


Current & Past Research Grants

  • [2018 – 2020] Semi Immersive Virtual Auditory Reality (SIVAR) Sebagai Piranti dan Media Latih Adaptasi Pekerja di Lingkungan Kerja yang Bising
  • [2017 – 2022] Formulating Comprehensive Lesson Learned from Several Past Projects Conducted by Parties Involved Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) for Nearly Zero-Energy Building (nZEB) of Colorado Boulder (USAID-CDSR SHERA)
  • [2017] Acoustics Prediction for National Standard in Residential Building (Hiroshima and Ministry of Public Works)
  • [2016] Study of Abfusor (Absorber-Difusor) to Noise Control Application and Optimalisation of Speech Privacy in Intensive Care Unit
  • [2016] Build-Desain of Measurement Devices and Detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) as a Developed Tools to Green Building in Indonesia
  • [2015 – 2016] Optimalisation of Energy System in Universitas Gadjah Mada to Support Yogyakarta as Smart Green City
  • [2015] Building & Environment Monitoring System for Commercial Building in Emerging Big Cities (the Australia-Indonesia Center)
  • [2015] Sound Mapping, Problem & Identification, and Recommendation of Acoustic Condition in Hospital
  • [2014] Characterization of Diffusivity Level and Speech Quality in Class Room and Auditorium
  • [2014] Study of Acoustical Condition of Grha Sabha Pramana UGM



Architectural Acoustics

University of Michigan

2007 - 2012

Ann Arbor, USA


Acoustics (Physics)

Brigham Young University

2002 -2005

Provo, Utah, USA


Building Technology (Architectural Engineering)

Universitas Gadjah Mada

1992 - 1998

Yogyakarta, Indonesia


Professional Appointments


Center for Development of Sustainable Region

Head of Undergraduate Program
Engineering Physics Study Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Senior Lecturer

Engineering Physics Study Program, Universitas Gadjah Mada


Awards & Prizes

2007 - 2010

Fulbright Presidential Scholarship


2007 - 2011

Graduate Research Assistanship and Teaching Assistantship

University of Michigan


People’s Choice Poster Award

University of Michigan