Integrated Smart and Green Building


AVR Research

Acoustics and Audio Engineering combined with VR Environment

Thinking about immersive listener? Our acoustics and audio engineering group are doing some research in collaborating sound reproduction by well known acoustics-based approach and audio processing with reproduction techniques. In this research, we are affiliated with some institutions i.e. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, the University of Salford, and Puslitbangkim PU. The research topics are always available for undergraduate and master students in all year-around. Co-supervising with another institutions are also possible.

Building Acoustics & Auralization

Conducting RIR measurement with applicable tools from uni to omni directional speakers and microphone or combined. Spatial RIR are also included by using Figure of Eight Microphone processed for ambisonic files in first and high orders. Computer simulation, auralization as well as subjective assessment are also included to investigate.

Audio Signal Processing & Reproduction

Audio signal processing and reproduction are further process from acoustic measurement either from field recording or RIR analysis. The research will be preferably handling with MATLAB or Phyton. Otherwise, any Digital Audio Workstations i.e. Audacity / REAPER / Adobe Auditon can also be used as long as the algorithm can be clearly explained.

Soundscape & Perceptual Hearing

Soundscape for indoor and outdoor environment is a brand-new science in acoustics scope. The research will include spatial recording with ambisonic microphone, audio processing with DAW softwares and plug-ins, and audio reproduction over headphone or configured speakers to assess listeners' perception of sonic environment.

Noise Environment and Vibration

The research includes noise measurement (SPL) and mapping to provide possible recommendation for architectural sites or building enclosures. Noise source emitted by vibrating structures or machines which can negatively effect the human hearing system or productivity in office or industrial area can also be studied.


We have different requirements for different sub-topics. However, these basic conditions must be fulfilled by prospective students that you have to;

  • have a good understanding in Fundamental of Acoustics (obtained a mark B or higher in related course)
  • have a high curiosity to learn and explore with related topics mostly by yourself
  • be able to join 2-weekly presentation of your progress together with another students in similar topics
  • be able to finish your work in a proper time as firstly scheduled with your supervisor
  • be able to write a min. 4-page summary of your work in English


We would be glad and more consider if you have experience with;

  • room acoustic measurement, field recording, with any tools or instrument and method;
  • SPL measurement indoor or outdoor;
  • acoustics simulation for room acoustics or noise mapping;
  • audio processing with any DAW software and plug-ins;
  • basic programming with MATLAB or Phyton;
  • basic programming with C# or knowledge in Game Engine Softwares.

Virtual Auditory Reality

This research conducts spatial audio reproduction in First Order Ambisonics converted into Binaural Sound stimuli and VR environment design. Level calibration, assessment of audio visual quality, blind investigation of directionality, investigation of listeners' perceptions, preferences, and reactions are incorporated. The AV reproduction will be covered by DAW software, 3D Design software (SketchUp / Maya / 3D Max), GameEngine (Unity / Unreal) with GVR Plug-ins, and visualization through HTC Vive.

Acoustics Instrumentation

Acoustics instrumentation research generally aims to research potential product which utilizing acoustics phenomena for human or prospective users. The products can have very specific or large scope. For instance, the sound guidance for blind people by installing PIR sensor in their stick to keep a distance between the people with another solid matters. The audible sound will emit as the alarm for blind people in an improper condition. You can propose your own idea and any feasible idea will be gladly supervised.

Latest Publications

  • A Pilot Study: How to Develop Auditory Virtual Reality for Pre-Registered Nurses education? ICSV25, 8 – 12 July 2018, Hiroshima.
  • Acoustics Survey to Predict Occupants Preferences of A Library. ICSV25, 8 – 12 July 2018, Hiroshima.
  • Soundscape Study of An Urban Campus Park. EPIC2018, 30 October – 2 November 2018, Surabaya.
  • Evaluation of Sonic Environment in Prospective Middle-Class Apartment Building in Demak Regency, 30 October – 2 November 2018, Surabaya.
  • Study of Partition Walls to Minimize Leaking Sound in Counselling Rooms, 30 October – 2 November 2018, Surabaya.
  • Prediction Of Sound Insulation For Middle Class Apartment Based On Noise Site-Analysis
  • Data Recording of Audio Stimulus for Continuing Nurse Training Using Auditory Virtual Environment , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3831-3837.
  • Library Soundscape: Higher Education Students’ Perception , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3875-3881.
  • Evaluating Perceived Acoustic Environment in Executive Class Passenger Train using Soundscape Approach , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 4904-4909.
  • Hospital Soundscape: Perception Analysis of Acoustics Environment in Intensive Care Unit , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2017, Vol. 255, pp. 3635-3640.
  • Study on the Effect of Partition Heights in Open Plan Office to the Privacy and Distraction Level Utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics , Procedia Engineering, 2017, Vol. 7, pp. 299-304.
  • Hospital soundscape: acoustics evaluation in the intensive care unit of a national hospital in Central Jakarta, Indonesia , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2016, Vol. 9, pp. 6151–6157.
  • Sinkronisasi Sensasi Pendengaran dan Visual di dalam Dunia Simulasi Komputer , Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), 2016, Vol. 11, pp. 63-68.
  • Measurement Analysis of the Soundscape of Care Units in a Private Hospital in Bandung , Senvar inta Avan Join Conference. 2015.
  • Acoustical study on the impact of sound absorptions, distances of workstations, and height of partitions in open plan offices , AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015, Vol. 1677, pp. 040016.
  • Characterizing the hearing comfort in intensive care unit using objective and subjective evaluation , Instrumentation, Communications, Information Technology, and Biomedical Engineering (ICICI-BME), 2015, pp. 323-326.
  • Simulation of Several Open Plan Office Design to Improve Speech Privacy Condition without Additional Acoustic Treatment , Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015, Vol. 184, pp. 315-321.
  • Speech privacy distance in 3 open-plan office layouts: computer modelling and simulation approach , International Congress on Sound and Vibration 20, 2013.
  • The influence of Abfusor configuration to the speech privacy and intelligibility in an open plan office , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2014, Vol. 249, pp. 5670-5678
  • Speech privacy and intelligibility in open-offices as an impact of sound-field diffuseness , INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, 2014, Vol. 249, pp. 5957-5966.

Contact us

For anyone who interested in these sub-topics of Acoustics and Audio Engineering Group, please kindly contact our researchers. If you still have any considerations to ask, do not be hesitate to let us know.

Sentagi S Utami, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D

Senior Lecturer

Email: /

Randy Frans Fela, S.T., M.T

PhD student


We are affiliated with Building Physics and Acoustics Lab (Laboratory Adhiwijogo), Institut Teknologi Bandung

Ir. R S Joko Sarwono, M.T., Ph.D

Assistant Professor


AVR Facilities

Rooms & Chambers

  • Audio studio for listening room
  • Anechoic Chamber (ITB)
  • Reverberation Chamber (ITB)


  • Omnidirectional Microphone BSWA MPA416
  • AMBEO VR Microphones Sennheiser
  • In-ear Binaural Microphone Sound Professional
  • Ricoh Theta V with Ambisonic Microphone
  • H2n Zoom Recorders
  • H6 Zoom Recorders
  • Microphone Soundcard BSWA
  • Microphone cable


  • Unidirectional Speakers
  • Omnidirectional Speakers (ITB)


  • Headphone Close-back Sennheiser HD280
  • Headphone Open-back ATH r70x
  • Headphone Close-back Sennheiser 202


  • Sonarworks Software and Microphone Reference
  • WavesNx Headtracker
  • REAPER Digital Audio Workstation
  • CATT Acoustics
  • Ecotect Autodesk
  • Ambisonic plug-ins and freewares
  • Real-Time Analyzer YMEC


  • HTC Vive Set
  • Premium Quality VR Glass
  • Ricoh Theta V
  • Fujifilm Camera XM1