Energy Plus Training
- Post by: insgreeb
- August 16, 2015
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Energy Plus is one of the software which is used to see simulation of temperature distribution in the building envelope. Energy Plus can collaborate with Sketch Up with the help of Open Studio. The building that will be simulated can be created first at Sketch Up then by using Open Studio, the building in Sketch Up can be transferred to Energy Plus. The introduction of this software at Department of Engineering Physics UGM is held in Building Physics subject, which is now lectured by Mr. Kholid Ridwan, S.T., M.Sc. Apparently when it is introduced to the class, a lot of students are interested to understand the functions and ways to use Energy Plus software. Therefore, with the help of Laksana Gema Perdamaian, S.T. as tutor, Energy Plus training was held in Physics Engineering Department. The training took place on 17 November – 5 December 2014 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 15.30 in TN1 (Tuesday and Monday) and TN7 (Thursday and Friday). The material which was given on Monday was the same as the material which was given on Tuesday. As well as the material that was given on Thursday was the same as the one that was given on Friday. Therefore participants could choose two out of those four days in a week in order to get the material. Participants would get 6 materials during the training.