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UI GreenMetric World Ranking



Since 2018, Insgreeb, as part of UGM’s Green Building Team, along with the UGM Reputation Team, has overseen UGM’s participation in rankings such as the UI GreenMetric World Ranking (UIGMWR). This ranking evaluates six criteria: Setting and Infrastructure (SI), Energy and Climate (EC), Waste (WS), Water (WR), Transportation (TR), and Education (ED). Since 2021, UGM has consistently achieved a perfect score (100%) in the Education category, thanks to the contributions of the Green Building and Reputation Teams.

To enhance its sustainability as a campus, UGM continues to innovate across all categories. Examples include the addition of smart, comfortable, and energy-efficient buildings, the provision of public transportation facilities such as campus bicycles, electric motorcycles, electric cars, campus buses, and pedestrian paths. Waste management on campus has also moved towards self-management, with facilities for waste processing and tracking waste quantities by type before sending them to the PIAT processing center.

From 2019 to 2023, UGM ranked third nationally as a sustainable university in Indonesia according to UIGMWR, and in 2023, UGM improved its global ranking to 30th. As a result, UGM has actively participated in sharing activities related to its achievements, particularly in the Education category.


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