Integrated Smart and Green Building

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“Edukasi Lingkungan Sehat di Rumah dan Sekolahku untuk Siswa SD/umum Melalui Media Online Interaktif” Kegiatan P2M ini menghasilkan video yang berisi beberapa

“Edukasi Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) untuk Menghadapi Pandemik Melalui Media Online Interaktif” Berikut adalah karya terbaru buah kolaborasi antara grup riset

INSGREEB and Directorate of Planning UGM collaborated with IES Ltd. presents Workshop on Energy Analysis and Sustainability Modeling Applications. The IES Virtual

IES-VE Workshop

On June 24, a workshop in the topic of building design and simulation by employing one of the latest software in this

ESD is one of the learning methods needed for problem solving that can be done both through formal, informal and non-formal education

On October 15 – 17, we were glad to be invited as speaker on ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB) in Manila, Philippines.