Smart and Green Campus

Komitmen Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk menjadi The Leading Green Campus diwujudkan dengan mengikuti UI GreenMetric 2018. Keikutsertaan UGM dalam UI Green Metric 2018 merupakan yang pertama kali sejak gagasan ini dimulai pada 2010. Prestasi ditorehkan oleh UGM karena pada keikutsertaan yang pertama, UGM berhasil meraih peringkat 6 Nasional dan peringkat 91 dunia dari 719 perguruan tinggi yang turut serta.

Komponen penilaian yang diukur dalam UI GreenMetric terdiri dari 6 kategori, yaitu infrastruktur, energi dan perubahan iklim, pengelolaan sampah, penggunaan air, transportasi, dan edukasi. Universitas Gadjah Mada mendapatkan peringkat 1 Nasional untuk kategori Waste (penanganan limbah) dan peringkat 3 Nasional untuk kategori Transportation. Hasil yang diraih oleh Universitas Gadjah Mada secara umum adalah sebagai berikut,

Hasil Keseluruhan

KategoriPoinPoin MaksimalPersentase
Penataan dan Infrastruktur825150055.00
Energi dan Perubahan Iklim1075210051.19
Pengelolaan Sampah1425180079.17
Penggunaan Air725100072.50

Setting and Infrastructure (Penataan dan Infrastruktur)

SI.1 The ratio of
open space area towards total area
SI.2 Area
on campus covered in forest
SI.3 Area
on campus cobered in planted vegetation
SI.4 Area
on campus for water absorbance
SI.5 The
Ratio of open space area divided campus population
SI.6 University
budget for sustainability effort

Energy and Climate Change

EC.1 Energy Efficient
Appliances Usage
EC.2 Smart building program
EC.3 Number of renewable
energy source in campus
EC.4 The total electricity
usage divided by total campus population
EC.5 The ratio of renewable
energy production towards total energy usage per year
EC.6 Element of green
building implementation
EC.7 Greenhouse gas
emission reduction program
EC.8 The ratio of total
carbon footprint divided campus population


WS.1 Recycling
program for university waste
WS.2 Program
to reduce the use of paper and plastic in campus
WS.3 Organic
waste treatment
WS.4 Inorganic
waste treatment
WS.5 Toxic waste treatment
WS.6 Sewerage


WR.1 Water
conservation program
WR.2 Water
recycling program
WR.3 The
use of water efficient appliances
WR.4 Piped
water consumed


TR.1 The ratio of
total vehicles (racs and motorcycles) divided by total campus population
TR.2 Shuttle
TR.3 Zero
Emission Vehicles (ZEV) policy on campus
TR.4 The
ratio of Zero Emission Vehicle divided by total campus population
TR.5 Ratio
of parking area to total campus area
TR.6 Transportation
program designed to limit or decrease the parking area on campus for the last
3 years
TR.7  of transportation initiatives to decrease
private vehicles on campus
TR.8 Pedestrian
policy on campus


ED.1 Ratio of
Sustainability Courses towards Total Courses/ Modules
ED.2 The ratio of
sustainability research funding towards total research funding
ED.3 sustainability
ED.4 sustainability events
ED.5 sustainability student
ED.6 sustainability
ED.7 sustainability report