
Transportation has a big influence on carbon emissions and pollution levels on campus. Transportation policies to limit the number of motorized vehicles, campus bus usage, and bicycles usage will develop a healthier environment. The pedestrian policy will encourage students and employees to walk around campus and avoiding private vehicles usage. The use of environmentally friendly public transportation will reduce the former carbon pollution around the campus.

The indicator of Transportation at Universitas Gadjah Mada gained high enough points, which amounted to 1,275 or equivalent to 70.83%. This point makes UGM ranked 3rd Nationally. Universitas Gadjah Mada is highly focused in pedestrian policies and the use of emissions-free vehicles (bicycles or electric vehicles).


Trans Jogja bus station


Bicycle usage as emissions-free hevicle


Bicycle station around the campus


Pederstrian all around the campus


Wheelchair facilities in the Rectorate building


Campus environment