
Waste management and recycling activities are the main factors in creating a sustainable environment. Academic activities on campus area producing a lot of waste, therefore the recycling and waste management program must be one of the university concerns. The programs that are needed are such as the toxic waste treatment, organic and inorganic waste treatment, sewerage disposal, and program to reduce the use of paper and plastic.

Universitas Gadjah Mada gains high points in this indicator, i.e. 1425 or equal to 79.17%. This score is the National highest value so that Universitas Gadjah Mada gets the highest rank Nationally. This achievement is inseparable from the efforts of Universitas Gadjah Mada to provide various waste treatment facilities for various waste types.


Sewerage disposal of animal in Faculty of Animal Science


Toxic Waste Treatment in Faculty of Biology


Centered-Waste Treatment in Universitas Gadjah Mada powered by 3R campaign


Water dispenser stations to reduce plastic bottle usage


Temporary liquid waste storage


Recycling Innovation House in UGM