Sentagi Utami, Ph.D
Sentagi Utami, Ph.D
Integrated Smart and Green Building (INSGREEB)
Jl. Grafika 2 Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55281
I am a senior lecturer in Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University. Since 2016, I have been a Head of Engineering Study Program, in Department of Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics UGM. I started my academic career in Acoustics when I took master degree in Physics (Brigham Young University, USA) and continued for a PhD in the University of Michigan in Architectural Acoustics. I am also an active member of ASA (the Acoustical Society of America) and AES (Audio Engineering Society). Coming back to my institution in 2011, I and my colleagues in our department initiated Insgreeb which focused on the integration of the building physics and acoustics with instrumentation as well as smart system installed within the building to create the high performance building and support occupants' comfort. I am known particularly for my expertise in Building Acoustics and Audio, and Green Building Science. Since 2013, I have successfully worked on several research grants on the level of national (annual grants i.e. PTUPT and Collaborative Research from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education) and international (Australia-Indonesia Center and Collaborative Research Grants with University of Salford UK and Hiroshima University). I am focused on the acoustics measurement, sound level mapping, modeling and simulation, acoustics material and acoustics instrumentation applied for the building and its built environment. I am also interested in building model and simulation in various IEQ parameters i.e. lighting, thermal and air quality.Insgreeb is a progressive research group within university
Growing up in the world class research university, Insgreeb has become a trusted group by the university leaders and get involved in many technical activities and policy within UGM with regard to the codes for sustainable infrastructure.